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Q: What are some of the main elements of greek drama?
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What are elements of drama?

There are many elements of a drama. Some of these include comedy, tragedy, irony, dialogues, monologues, as well as soliloquies.

What is a protagnist?

The main character in a drama or other literary work.In ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialogue with the chorus, in later dramas playing the main character and some minor characters as well.A leading or principal figure.The leader of a cause; a champion.

Who were the famous playwright and actors of the time how were their techniques similar and different during the classical roman drama and classical greek drama?

Some famous playwrights of classical Greek drama include Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus, while for Roman drama, they include Plautus and Terence. Both Greek and Roman drama focused on theatrical performances in open-air theaters, but Greek drama tended to explore mythological themes and the complexities of human nature, while Roman drama often focused on everyday Roman life and satire. The techniques in both types of drama include the use of masks, chorus, and dramatic structure, but Roman drama had a more comedic tone compared to the tragic focus of Greek drama.

Name some writers of Greek drama?

Click link below for a list of writers and their plays!

How do you be good at drama?

you can watch some but the main thing is practice practice practice.

What are some similarities between Greek theatre and Elizabethan theatre?

round in structural formhad an orchestra and a skeneperformed during the day

How many Greek plays were there?

There are THREE types of greek drama, contrary to the belief that there are only two. The three types of drama are: comedy, satyr, and tragedy. Here is a website with some info about it (I !):

Is Aeolus a main greek god?

No, he is not and on some Greek God sites he is not even on them. T.H.

Why do some elements have symbls that are different then the letters in there name?

It is greek name numbnuts!

What are some words related to education that begin with the letter d?

Darmstadtium, Dubnium and Dysprosium are chemical elements.

Who were some of the main heroes in greek mythology?

i only know one greek hero and it is hercules the main greek gods i know all of them like demeter and zeus and ya all them.

What are all of the elements on the periodic table named after?

It depends. Some elements are named after a people or place such are Europium and Nobelium. Some elments are named for greek names like Dysprosium is named from the greek "Dyspros" meaning hard to get. And some are from the Latin and so on. Hope that helps.