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Q: What are some of the rules that skeeter gets from her mother and what do these say about the kind of behavior considered proper for young white women of the time?
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What is the difference of proper behavior and improper behavior in a science lab?

Improper behavior is fooling around and horseplay. Proper is the opposite

Who issued the sacred edict delineating proper Confucian behavior?

The great Chinese Emperor Kangxi issued the edict delineating proper Confucian behavior.

What are the core rules of proper behavior online?

The core rules for proper behavior online could be debated. That said, some common guidelines to follow would include being courteous, proper and kind.

What are the three core rules of proper behavior online?

The core rules for proper behavior online could be debated. That said, some common guidelines to follow would include being courteous, proper and kind.

What is the word for proper behavior?

etiquette protocol

What is proper social behavior?

This question is too vague...What type of social situation are you referring to? "proper social behavior" would be a manner of behavior accepted as correct by most resonable people.

What are some consequences of the behavior of water?

the consequences of the behavior of water is: if water is not filter proper then we casn get sick

Why is it important to practice proper economic behavior?

Because it helps prepare and learnt o be in a proper workplace.

Which phrase define the word ethic?

standards of proper behavior

Does mother get a capital?

Mother is capitalized only if it is part of a proper name, like Mother Teresa.

What does proper etiquette mean?

Etiquette refers to ones behavior; it is one that is usually prescribed for ones job, profession, duty, gathering, party, etc.To have proper etiquette, one must showcase behavior that is suitable and appropriate for said event, profession, or otherwise. In other words, proper etiquette means suitable behavior.

Is it proper to say the Missonaries of Mother Teresa?

No, the proper title is the Missionaries of Charity. Informally, I suppose, Missionaries of Mother Teresa would be okay.