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Short term - tachycardia, bad breath, reduced lung capacity, ageing of the skin, dry skin, breathlessness, increased blodd pressure, dental decay and discolouring Long term - peripheral arterial disease (leading to eventual limb amputation), cancer of the nose, mouth, throat, lungs, impotence, chronic heart failure, emphysema and COPD, stroke, transient ischemic attacks, intermittent claudication (due to PAD) (to list but a few!)

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Q: What are some of the short and long effects of smoking that would stop someone from taking up this deadly habit?
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im trippy mane!!

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Good question about chantix but are you over 18 and attempting to quit smoking? I tried stopping smoking for almost 11 years with limited success. The only solution that truly works are smokeless cigarettes. You get all the flavor as a the real thing without all the deadly side effects like tar and benzene.

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How can lung cancer be preventable?

Lung cancer can be prevented by not smoking or taking in someone else's smoke.

Can you become addicted to smoking through passive smoking?

If you are speaking about the Carbon Monoxide test you do when quitting smoking, then yes if you have been around someone smoking prior to taking the test then small traces may be found but not enough to suggest that you have been smoking. If you have been smoking then this will show on the monitor and the level will be too high to pass off as passive smoking.

Can people die from just breathing in smoke?

Yes because if you breathe in smoke when someone is smoking cigarettes, you are taking in second hand smoking, and the smoke will go in your lung, and can kill you with lung cancer or something.

Is taking ibuprofen and penicillin and promethazine fatal?

No. Anything to excess can be harmful or deadly, but at recommended dosages they should have no ill effects. However, you should ask your pharmacist if you have any questions.

What are the side effects of smoking marijuana while taking trileptal?

increased rage and sleeplessness. mood swings, lack of apatite.

How do you increase effects of Xanax?

xanax effects can be increased using the OTC drug Tagament (cimetidine)200-400mg 45 min. before taking the xanax. Also WHITE grapefuit juice will incease the effects. These two are the best and can increse effects by 65-87%. also cigarette smoking can DECREASE effects of xanax by more than 50%.

Shoot a car jacker?

It may depend on the state. In Tennessee, car jacking is generally defined as someone taking your car through the use of deadly force. By definition, if a person is using deadly force against you, you can shoot the person because you are defending your life. (Taking your car without using force is just car theft.) Additionally, Tennessee law states that if someone is breaking into your occupied vehicle, you can presume the person is a deadly threat. You should check your local laws to be sure.

Are there any risk taking Atenolol smoking or chewing salvia d?

Is not recommended to mix salvia with some other substance. Salvia Divinorum is strong as is, and there could be some undesired or unexpected effects.

Can hair loss be due to smoking even if I'm taking hair vitamins?

Yes - vitamins (or anything else besides quitting) have absolutely NO protective value from the effects of inhaling tobacco products.