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Q: What are some of the things you do during a court case?
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How long can a court hold a case open in civil court?

That depends on what kind of case it is, and what court system is involved. Technically a case is "Open" the moment it is filed before a court, and remains open until the court closes it through some type of decision. Different court rules apply in different jurisdictions, dependent on the case type (Civil or Criminal) as to time limits for certain things that must happen.

What does it mean if a court case is stricken?

If a court case is stricken, it means the case has been removed from the court's calendar or records. This often happens when a case is dismissed or deemed invalid for some reason, such as procedural errors or lack of jurisdiction.

What does the supreme court look like?

First of all court need some proof of your case, so that court should take some action.

What is the punishment for perjury during divorce?

There is no single answer to your query. It depends on the severity of the fraud and the judgment of the court where the case was adjudicated. You should call your attorney for advice if you were represented by counsel. If not you should visit the court, bring your evidence with you and and get some advice from a clerk about how to proceed.

How do i find out the final disposition of a court case?

Go to the clerk's office in the court where the case was handled. Ask to review the file. You'll find some kind of disposing document, either an order, a verdict, or a disposition or some other document that shows how the case was disposed of.

Can you go to any court house in the state to check the status of a child custody case?

Generally, yes, unless the case has been impounded for some reason. You can visit the court in the child's jurisdiction and check the index under the parents' names to find the case.Generally, yes, unless the case has been impounded for some reason. You can visit the court in the child's jurisdiction and check the index under the parents' names to find the case.Generally, yes, unless the case has been impounded for some reason. You can visit the court in the child's jurisdiction and check the index under the parents' names to find the case.Generally, yes, unless the case has been impounded for some reason. You can visit the court in the child's jurisdiction and check the index under the parents' names to find the case.

What are some important US Supreme Court cases from the 1900s?

An important US Supreme Court case from the 1900's was Lonewolf versus Hitchcock in 1903. Another Supreme Court case was Lisenba versus People of the state of California in 1941. Boynton versus Virginia in 1960 was another Supreme Court case.

What are examples of early United States Supreme court cases?

Some of the earliest United States Supreme court cases date back to the 1700s. Some examples include the Van Staphorst v.Maryland case, the West v. Barnes case as well as the Hayburn's Case.

What does remand means?

A case that is remanded is sent back to the lower court for a final decision. The appeal court who issues the remand has made a decision on some issue in the case, but has determined that the lower court is better able to decide the main issue: guilt/innocence, liable/not liable, etc.

What is SHEPARDIZING a case?

It is checking to ascertain whether the case has been over ruled by an apeals court, or cited as prescedence by another court, or some other discussion by another court which affects its presetendial value. For example if the US supreme court were to cite a lower court case as good law, the lower court case would be elevated in stature. Conversly, if the lower case were to be distingushed away, or held not correct, it loses value. Thus shepardizing ensuresa your cases cites are still good law in your briefs.

Can you get paid for suing some for slander?

Yes, you can get a settlement if you win a court case for slander.

Was there any national events going on during the supreme court case Gideon vs Wainwight?

Yes, there were several significant national events occurring during the Gideon v. Wainwright Supreme Court case. Some notable events include the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, the Civil Rights Movement and ongoing demonstrations against racial segregation, and the escalating involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War.