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Google and Yahoo are good search engines for broad subject areas. Some search engines for more specific needs include Scirus, iSEEK, Yippy, Retrievr and Wink.

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Q: What are some of the various search engines available to students?
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What are 3 search engines available to search for information?

It must me standle, which combines many search engines with different specific areas. you may try it

Where you can get the pictures of 1983 world cup of Pakistan Team?

you can easily search on the internet on various web search engines

Where can one find information on local search engines?

One can find information on local search-engines on the website 'Search-Engine Land'. Information is also available through 'Wikipedia' and on 'Search-Engine Watch'.

What are different search engines available?

Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Dogpile

What is a search engine and what are the different search engines available?

Search engines are the programs that search websites for specified keywords and returns a list of websites where the keywords were found.Here are some common search engines available:GoogleBingYahooBaiduYandex

Where can one find a list of all possible search engines available?

There are several places where someone can find a list of all possible search sites available. Websites such as, the search list, and 20search all list search sites that are available.

Are there any job search engines for teenagers 14-18?

There are many search engines available for Teenagers as well as kids also like,, etc.

What does a search engine inclusion and placement broker do?

Search Engine Inclusion tells you if your web page has been indexed by the various search engines. Placement on the search engines requires submission to each search engine individually.

How can I get hospital jobs in HOUSKEEPING?

The best way is to find the nearest hospital and check if they have any openings. Some hospitals will also list available jobs online on various job search engines.

What are advance search engines?

Search engines are internet encyclopedias that allow us to find and filter out relevant information.There are many search engines available now a days like Google,Yahoo,MSN,Alexa,Bing,AltaVista,Ask,Gigablast,Wikipedia e.t.c

What are the two categories of search engines?

There are two types of search engines 1. Hybrid search engines 2. Meta search engines

What are the 3 types of popular search engines?

Spider-Based Search Engines. Directory-Based Search Engines. Link-Based Search Engines.