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Q: What are some one syllable words that can describe the state of Kansas?
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Floating, rocking, swaying, pricey.

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Synonyms are despise, detest, abhor, repel, loathing, etc.

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Soaring, Flying, Swooping, Shining, Zooming, Gleaming.

What words describe kansas?

Flat, Dry-ish, it has rolling hills, canyons, dull, etc.

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no there is no 18 syllable words

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Adjectives and adverbs are both words in sentences that describe other words. Adjectives describe the absolute state or condition of a noun. For example, "tall" can describe "boy". Adverbs describe the absolute state or condition of a verb. For example "runs" can be described by the adverb "quickly".

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One-syllable words are called monosyllables.

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What are words where the whole syllable is stressed?

Monosyllabic (one syllable) words. There is only one syllable so the whole word is stressed.