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Here's what I recommend. Don't get opinions, get facts. Do research on the facts. Everyone has an opinion, good and bad, there is no way to know which are true or false, but if you gather all the facts, then you can make an educated decision for yourself. I know from experience and the research that I have done that the company and products are phenominal! As far as the business opportunity goes, that's up to you. If your willing to sacrafice time and energy now to have a better future, then it's awesome! Be honest and work hard on your business and yourself, and you will be successful. Best of luck :)

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1mo ago

Opinions about Herbalife vary. Some people believe that its products are effective for weight management and overall health, while others criticize its business model as a pyramid scheme that preys on vulnerable individuals. It's important to do thorough research and consult with a healthcare professional before using Herbalife products.

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Do people give honest opinions when answering surveys?

It varies. Some people may provide honest opinions on surveys, while others may be influenced by social desirability bias or other factors. Ensuring anonymity and confidentiality can help encourage honest responses.

What are some Opinions?

Opinions are personal beliefs or judgments about a particular issue or topic. They are subjective and can vary among individuals based on their experiences, values, and knowledge. Sharing opinions can promote discussion and help individuals understand different perspectives.

What are sociologists expected to do when they want to include their personal opinions in studies?

Sociologists are expected to clearly distinguish between their personal opinions and research findings, ensuring objectivity in their studies. They should provide a rationale for including personal opinions and acknowledge any potential biases that may result from them. It is essential that their personal opinions do not overshadow the empirical data and analysis presented in the study.

Why does a peer group have a strong influence on a person's opinions?

Peer groups have a strong influence on a person's opinions because individuals within the group often share similar values, beliefs, and behaviors, leading to a natural conformity to fit in. Additionally, social comparison and the desire for acceptance can pressure individuals to align their opinions with those of their peers. Finally, ongoing interactions and discussions within the peer group can shape and reinforce individuals' opinions over time.

What are opinions about Survey Monster?

yes it is it give you a list of companys to pick from to do that are mosty very hard or a scam

Related questions

What are some examples of Herbalife products?

Herbalife offers a variety of nutrition, weight management, and personal care products. Some examples include Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Herbalife Tea Concentrate, Herbal Aloe Concentrate, and Herbalife Protein Bars.

Are herbalife products safe?

Herbalife has been accused of causing health problems in some people and also for not being as effective as it claims.

When was Herbalife created?

Herbalife was created in 1980.

What are opinions on premire team international?

It's a scam. It's actually Herbalife, and I don't care how many Herbalife fans show up to say otherwise, know this - any company that hides it's name is a scam! It's Multi-Level Marketing, a pyramid scheme.

Are Herbalife products useful in losing weight?

Herbalife's meal-replacement shake is their biggest-selling product. Like any similar product, Herbalife has its supporters and detractors. Some say that they are not as effective as claimed, and others say that they were harmed by the products.

Is Herbalife a steroid?

Herbalife is a company that sells products that provide your body with great nutrition.

Who sell herbalife?

Herbalife is sold online at the Herbalife official website. Also, millions of people sell the diet supplement as independent distributors.

What is the herbalife logo?

The herbalife logo consists of a green tri-leaf enclosed by black circle. There has been some confusion in the past about the similarities to Adidas logo due to their tri-leaf logo. You can check out the herbalife logo here:

What are the release dates for Herbalife - 1985?

Herbalife - 1985 was released on: USA: 1985

Is herbalife product available in trichy?

herbalife is not available in srilanka. its available in trichy.

What is the symbol for Herbalife LTD in the NYSE?

The symbol for Herbalife LTD. in the NYSE is: HLF.

What is the population of Herbalife?

As of 2021, Herbalife Nutrition operates in over 90 countries and has millions of customers and distributors worldwide, but they do not have a single defined population as they are a global nutrition company.