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Surely you've eaten before! Anything you eat that came from a plant is an example, like potatoes and lettuce and carrots.

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Q: What are some plants which give us food?
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What do plant not give us humans food?

Some plants do, Such as Carrot plant, Tomato Plants, Potatoes, they are all plants.

How do plants give us food?

Some plants that give food: Tomatoes Potatoes Carrots Strawberries Cherries Cucumber Brussels Sprouts Bananas Oranges Apples Thinking about it, most fruits and vegetables come from plants.

Does plants gives us food?

Yes, They do. Plants such as carrots and strawberry, give us food. I think most fruit and vegetables are from plants

What do plants give us and what do you give them?

Plants are used for many things, including oxygen, food, medicine, and clothing. Shelter, oil, gas, wood, building materials, and water are also things that plants give the world.

What do plants do for the world?

Some plants like trees give us oxegon and flowers give us color to our sorroundings.

What are two most important products that plants give us?

Oxygen and food

What type of plants give foods?

The type of plants that give food would include almost all plants. Many plants give us fruits and vegetables while other plants feed animals that are eaten as well.

Tell two ways plants help people.?

We can't live without plants. They give us food, and oxygen.

How are plants useful to humans?

Plants are useful to humans in a variety of ways. Plants can be eaten, they can be used to make medicine, and they can be used for a variety of other things. Without plants, life on Earth would cease fairly quickly.

Why are plants important in an ecosystem?

They give us food we need to survive. For instance: bees need flowers to get nectar. Then they give us honey, see?

What are the food materials plant give?

Plants provide Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins etc as food material to us.

What 5 example of what plants give us?

plants give us oxygen