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Shot or immunization can cause you from not getting HIV nor AIDS and can stop bacteria from giving you an infection.

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Q: What are some potential AIDS vaccines?
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Do vaccines cause AIDS?

Vaccines do not cause AIDS.

What is the function of the marker protection?

The function of the marker protection is to predict potential AIDS vaccines efficacy. This is taught in health.

What is one probolem that scientists must overcome to develope a vaccinefor AIDS?

there already is vaccines for AIDS...

Who studied aids and runs HIV vaccines in Trinidad?

louis pasteur

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Which are the diseases for which vaccines are not discovered?

Currently, all vaccines on the market today only exist for diseases caused by viruses- though not all diseases caused by viruses have a corresponding vaccine. Notably, the common cold (rhinoviruses) and AIDS (HIV) have no vaccines.

Is the curing of AIDS possible by vaccination if not why?

Vaccination does not cure. It is a way to prevent disease by building immunity. It is hard to come up with a vaccine for AIDS because it affects the immune system itself, which is what vaccines affect. Presently, there is no vaccine and no cure for AIDS. The available treatments can slow the progress of disease, but do not eliminate it.

Can vaccines cause problems in pregnancy?

Yes, some can. Some vaccines are safe in pregnancy, and others are not. Your doctor can tell you what vaccines are right for you before, during and after pregnancy.

Is there ban on hpv vaccines?

There is no ban on HPV vaccines. In fact, in some states girls are required to receive HPV vaccines for school.

How can a viral disease be prevent?

vaccines, stay away form blood so you dont get aids, dont share bottled fluids,

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