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It effectively seeks to deny millions of people their fundamental rights.

Answer 2:

Legally, two people of the same-sex can get married in one particular state. If they then travel to another state, their marriage may be unrecognized, meaning that they cannot get divorced.

There is a conflict at recognizing marriages at a state or federal level. State laws affect marriages recognized at state level, whereas Federal Laws affect marriages recognized at federal level. There may be some potential legal conflicts in this respect.

Some people believe that marriage between two people of the same-sex should still be considered marriage, whereas other people believe that marriage is intrinsically defined as between a man and a woman. This bill does not create this conflict, but does serve to highlight it.

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The Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA") was struck down by the United States Supreme Court on June 26, 2015, because it conflicted with the constitutional right of same-sex couples to marry.

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