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There are an infinite number of reasons why a state like Maryland would want to join the union. They may wish to receive the same benefits for example.

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Q: What are some reasons why the state of Maryland wanted to join the union?
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Due to strategical and politic reasons the most important Southern State, which had to be taken under control by the Union was Maryland.

State number of Maryland?

Maryland was the 7th State to join the Union.

What was the seventh state to join the union?

the seventh state to join the united states of America is "Maryland." it was officially a state Apr. 28, 1788. Maryland. ,

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Union. Maryland was an Union Border state but this counted Union of course.

Why was it crucial to President Lincoln that Maryland stay in the Union?

He wanted the slaves in Maryland to be free.

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No - Maryland was a Union state

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Maryland joined the Union on April 28th, 1788. It was the seventh state to join the Union.

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Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus at the beginning of the Civil War. Since Maryland was a border state and close to Washington, DC, authorities would have able to arrest anyone who attempted to cause the state to secede from the Union. Lincoln sent Federal troops to Maryland. He made it clear that Maryland should not leave the Union. Although there were many people in Maryland who wanted to join the South, there was not enough to bring the state into the Confederacy.

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What is Maryland's admission of statehood?

Maryland was admitted into the Union on April 28, 1788 becoming the 7th state to join the Union.

Which state did not leave the Union when President Lincoln called for troops after Fort Sumter?

Most didn't, for obvious reasons. Do you mean 'Which slave-states did not leave the Union?' They were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware.