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There are many differences between Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists, as there are between Catholics and most Protestants.

Some of the differences between them are:

Catholics have a priesthood while Adventists support the priesthood of all believers.

Adventists do not recognize the Pope, the President of the Adventist church has no doctrinal authority.

Adventists worship on Saturday and Catholics worship on Sunday.

Catholics believe that Mary was born perfect (without original sin), remained a virgin her whole life, was taken into heaven at the end, and serves as coredemptrix with Christ. Adventists believe that Mary was a simple, imperfect girl; that she was a virgin until after Christ's birth; that she died, was buried, and is still in the grave; and that Jesus is the only Redeemer. Adventists believe that people rest in the grave when they die (soul sleep) until the Second Coming of Jesus, with very few exceptions (e.g. Enoch, Elijah, etc.).

Catholics accept the adoration of images and saints; Adventists do not.

Adventists practice Communion (similar to the Eucharist) and believe in consubstantiation (the bread and Grape Juice [not wine] represent the body and blood of Christ); Catholics practice the Eucharist and believe in transubstantiation (that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ).

Another answer:

Adventist are perhaps more similar to Catholics that most Protestants, Adventists recognize an extra-Biblical source and some Adventists deny righteousness by faith alone.

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12y ago

Catholics changed the day of worship, the Sabbath, from Saturday (when God appointed it to us) to Sunday (saying that it is the Lords day). So Adventists worship on Saturday and follow the Sabbath rules.

Catholics worship idols, which is forbidden in the 10 Commandments, but the catholics have their own version of the 10 Commandments in which they got rid of that particular commandment and took another one (don't covet your neighbors wife of possesions) and made it into 2 separate commandments so there would still be 10. Adventists follow the original 10 and do not woship idols.

Catholics worship the Pope, who claims to be Gods replacement here on earth, Adventists know this is wrong and do not worship anything/anyone but God Himself.

Catholics are not encouraged to read The Bible for themselves, whereas Adventists are VERY encouraged to do so.

Catholics follow many, many traditions, Adventists try to stay away from these as much as possible.

Catholics worship saints, where again, Adventists only worship God.

Catholics believe that when we die we immidietly go to hell, heaven or purgatory....Adventists belive (because the Bible says so) that when we die, we are in a state a sleep in our graves, that the dead know nothing, and that the dead will be risen when Jesus comes again to either take us home or to demolish us....Adventists do not believe in an everlasting hell...the Bible tells us that the wicked will be burned by fire from heaven and they will exist no more.

the seventh day adventist are so right you do not go to hell when you die you are in a state of waiting for the lord to return. i have gone to a sda school since i was 7 i should know.

Catholic Answer:"It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before."~ A. A. Milne

I will answer your points one by one as each one is a total falsehood and misconception of the Catholic faith. I have been a Catholic for 67 years, 12 of those years as a student in a Catholic School and 13 as a teacher in a Catholic school so 'i should know.'

1.) Catholics worship on Sunday because that is what the Lord wanted. He came to fulfill the covenant of the Old Testament. He fulfilled it on the cross. The moment he died the Old Covenant ceased to be and the New Covenant started. Very symbolic of that was the fact that the veil in the Jewish temple that hid the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom the instant Our Lord died and this symbolized the end of the Old Covenant. Our Lord rose from the dead on Sunday, not Saturday. He appeared at least twice to his apostles in the Upper Room on Sundays, not Saturdays. He appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus on Sunday. He sent His Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday, not Saturday. Do you see a pattern developing here? So did the early Church Fathers. While the Old Covenant worshiped on the last day of the week, the New Covenant would worship on the first day of the week.

2.) The First Commandment of the Catholics is "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no strange gods before thee." See the link below from the Vatican to read our 10 Commandments to see for yourself. By the way, we worship only God and do not worship idols.

3.) Catholics do not worship the pope. We honor the pope as our spiritual leader and vicar of Christ but worship only God. We also honor our political leaders, famous authors, some TV and movie stars, military heroes, etc. but we do not worship them either.

4.) Catholics read the Bible and are encouraged to do so. Nearly every Catholic Parish in the world has a Bible study group. At every single Mass there are a number of readings from the Bible. Don't tell Catholics about the Bible. We wrote the Bible.

5.)Yes, Catholics follow traditions because we were ordered by the Bible to do so. "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter." (Second Letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians 2:15.) Christ had a public mission that lasted three years. Only a small part of what he said, did and taught are summarized in the Gospels. Many other things that he taught were passed on verbally to the apostles who passed them along to the rest of the Church over the years as Tradition. Even the Gospels were originally passed along as oral tradition for many years until they were finally put into writing.

6.) Catholics honor the saints as fellow members of the Mystical Body of Christ that all good Christians believe in. That is the "Communion of Saints" Christians say they believe in whenever they recite the Nicene Creed. Saints help us by joining us in our prayers to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. When we ask a saint for prayers, it is no different than asking a dear best friend to pray for us. We do not worship the saints anymore than we worship our best friend. Worship is for God alone.

7.) As Jesus was dying he turned to the Good Thief who also had been crucified and told him "Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise." (Luke Chapter 23:43) That does not seem to me that God was going to put him into storage until the end of time. That very day the Good Thief would be in Heaven. At the end of time our bodies will be raised from the dead and reunited with our souls already in Heaven.

8.) And, yes, Hell does exist. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells the condemned on Judgement Day: "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. . . . Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Eternal Punishment means forever, my friend. The souls who end up there will never perish. They will suffer forever. Don't let someone tell you differently as they are contradicting the Bible. When you contradict the Bible, you earn eternal punishment.

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12y ago

Well, they both obviously share the common belief in the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ and that he is the savior who provided the way to salvation. They both believe in the trinity and that Jesus is God. Both believe that we are saved by faith in Christ, but that faith without works is dead.

The main differences:

Seventh Day Adventists believe it is important to keep all the ten commandments and laws. This includes the fourth commandment about keeping the Sabbath day holy. So they go to church on Saturdays and observe the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Catholics believe that Jesus abolished the law so they do not believe they are required to keep the Sabbath. They go to church on Sundays to celebrate the day that Jesus was resurrected.

Catholics believe that you have an immortal soul that goes straight to heaven, hell, or Purgatory after death. Seventh-Day Adventists believe in soul sleep, meaning people don't go anywhere after they die, they just remain asleep in their graves until the second coming of Christ. Adventists also do not believe in Purgatory or a hell of eternal torment. They believe in annihilationism, that the wicked will be destroyed at the end, since they don't believe that humans are inherently immortal they don't believe that the wicked will live forever in hell.

Also, Adventists believe that one of their founders, Ellen White, was a prophet who had divinely inspired visions. They hold her writings in high regards but do not consider them to be scripture. Catholics don't believe in modern-day prophets. But they have the Pope, which obviously Adventists do not follow.

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13y ago

There are many differences between Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists.

Some of the differences between the Catholics are:

Catholics have a priesthood while Adventists support the priesthood of all believers.

Adventists do not recognize the Pope, the President of the Adventist church has no doctrinal authority.

Adventists worship on Saturday and Catholics worship on Sunday.

Another answer:

Adventist are perhaps more similar to Catholics that most Protestants, Adventists recognize an extra-Biblical source and some Adventists deny righteousness by faith alone.

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12y ago

Adventists believe in keeping the original Sabbath and go to church on Saturday. Catholics go to church on Sunday to celebrate the day that Jesus was resurrected.

Adventists follow the dietary laws in the Old Testament and do not eat pork or any other meats listed as unclean. Catholics think those laws no longer apply to us.

Adventists believe that when you die, you enter a state of unconsciousness and know nothing until you are resurrected. Catholics believe that your spirit continues to live after you die and that you immediately to to heaven, hell, or Purgatory.

Adventists believe in neither Purgatory nor a hell of eternal torment. They believe that the wicked will be completely destroyed at the final judgment, not consciously punished for eternity. This comes from their belief in conditional immortality, that only believers in Christ have any chance of becoming immortal. The wicked do not get to live forever at all, not even in a bad place. But Catholics believe that all humans are eternal beings and must live forever in either heaven or hell.

Adventists believe that one of their founders, Ellen White, was a prophet of God who had divinely inspired visions. Catholics don't believe in modern-day prophets. But they do have the Pope, which obviously Adventists don't follow.

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11y ago

The two religions are completely different and have very little in common. Here are some differences:

Seventh Day Adventists worship Jesus, and Jews do not.

Seventh Day Adventists believe in the New Testament, and Jews do not.

Seventh Day Adventists do not believe in the human soul, but Jews do.

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11y ago

Catholics go to church on Sunday SDAs go on Saturday.

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