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Q: What are some somatic gene disorders?
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What type of gene does gene therapy try to replace in a sick person?

somatic gene

Why all somatic cells undergo mitosis and some cells in the gonads undergo meiosis?

this is because there all the same type of cell and so somatic diseases are passed on by not mutating the gene and if a somatic diseseases can mutate to become zombies

What disorders can benefit from gene therapy?

Congenital genetic defects, epigenetic defects, and even some forms of cancer triggered by oncogene activation can all be resolved by gene therapy.In addition, acquired disorders, such as herpes or HIV infection, can also be theoretically cured by gene therapy.

What kinds of somatic cell gene mutations can frequently lead to the first stages of cancer?

Proto-oncogene is the kind of somatic cell gene mutation that can lead to first stages of cancer. Proto-oncogene can lead to cellular transformation.

What are the Dominic?

Dominant allele disorders are single gene disorders which take effect in the heterozygous state.

How is gene expression controlled?

name the genetic disorders

Are alleles recessive?

Alleles can be either dominant or recessive. They can be identical or different for any given gene in a somatic cell, and can represent alternative forms of a gene.

What are the dominate alleles?

Dominant allele disorders are single gene disorders which take effect in the heterozygous state.

Is a non mendelian trait controlled by one gene?

A non Mendelian trait can be controlled by one gene. When a trait is controlled by one gene it results in genetic disorders. Examples of disorders due to single gene inheritance - Huntington disease, Fragile-X syndrome.

Virus to help people with genetic disorders?

Gene Therapy

What is the greatest risk associated with gene therapy at the present time?

Depends what kind, germ line or somatic.

What is gene therapy?

Gene therapy is a method of treatment. It is specifically used to treat patients who are suffering from diseases due to defective genes. Essentially, the treatment involves researchers replacing the defective or faulty genes with a normal functioning gene. It involves: 1) Detection of gene 2)Determination & its role 3)Isolation & cloning 4)Introducing the gene by proper way. This is either germline gene therapy (done in germ cells) or somatic gene therapy (done in somatic cells).