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Public Consulting Group which is known as PCG is a popular consulting company which has great reviews by Glassdoor. They have a Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed available to stay up to date on common financial changes.

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Q: What are some successful public consulting groups in the US?
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What are some good consulting firms?

McKinsey is the most powerful and the top consulting firm in the United States. Second would be Bain, followed by The Boston Consulting Group in third.

What are some competitive advantages for a business consulting firm to assist a fast food industry with expanding their business?

A Competitive advantage for a business consulting firm to assist a fast food industry with expanding their business includes working with knowledgeable individuals. It also allows fast food industries to work with firms with a successful track record.

What are front groups?

One way industries attempt to shape public opinion is by forming a group that appears to benefit the public. Although they are funded by powerful industries, these groups often claim to represent consumers or some other sympathetic constituency. Some front groups have a broad agenda, such as pushing industry-friendly science. Others are formed to lobby or conduct public relations on a specific policy for a limited time. The tactics of these groups are designed to hide their true agenda and funding. Representatives of front groups often write editorials or appear as experts on television without disclosing their conflict of interest.

Why do some groups use insider methods while other groups use outsider methods?

some groups do not want insider status as they may oppose govt all together or feel they will have to compromise their beliefs e.g ALF. however some groups are unable to gain insider groups this could be because of the methods they practice or their beliefs. governments generally do not like to be associated with controversial groups for instance groups associated with euthanasia. other groups may be unable to gain insider groups because their beliefs do not coincide with the beliefs of the government, this means that a groups status may change depending on simply who is government. so in answer to your question some groups choose outsider methods simply because of their beliefs and others may have to use outsider methods such as consulting opposition parties as they are unable to become recognised as legitimate by the government.