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Some symptoms of an autoimmune disease are extreme fatigue, inflammation, persistent fever, swollen glands, changes in weight and itchy skin or skin rashes.

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Q: What are some symptoms of an autoimmune disease?
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What are the most common ways a autoimmune disease is described?

Most common symptoms of autoimmune disease are chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, extraintestinal symptoms and systematic failure, like a skin deformation in various locations.

What are the symptoms of complement deficiencies when an autoimmune disease develops?

If an autoimmune disease develops, like lupus, the person may lose weight, suffer from a rash, and have joint pain.

Which is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism is characterized by goiter or exophthalmos?

While many things can cause a goiter, a goiter and exophthalmos are symptoms of the autoimmune disease, Graves' disease.

Can acupuncture help with pain and autoimmune disease?

Yes, acupuncture helps to reduce the symptoms of the autoimmune disease and helps to calm the body's immune system. It stabilizes the progression of autoimmune disease in many patients but it's not a replacement for any medication unless the doctor prescribes you.

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Multiple Sclerosis is thought by some scientists to be an autoimmune disease, but some disagree. Crohn's disease used to be described as an autoimmune disease, but more recent reseach has revealed it to be an immune deficiency state. Trigger Finger is also not an autoimmune disease.

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Rubella is an infectious disease. It is not an autoimmune disease.

Is porphyria an autoimmune disease?

Porphyria is not an autoimmune disease. Although, signs and symptoms of the disease mimic lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are based on the immune system not being able to distinguish between its own cells and cells that are foreign in nature. On the other hand, porphyria is based on a malformation of heme precursors, called porphyrins. The name porphyria comes from Greek porphyra, which means purple pigment, and references the purple color of the urine seen in some porphyria cases.

If someone has an autoimmune disease would it worsen if their immune system is stimulated by something like green tea?

Theoretically yes. An autoimmune disease is where the persons own system attacks itself and stimulating the immune system could worsen the symptoms and disease.

What is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism?

Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are two that I know of. Grave's tends to have a steady stream of hyperthyroid symptoms while in Hashimoto's tyroiditis it might start out hyperthyroid and as the antibodies attack it will eventually dwindle down to hypothyroidism. Somtimes there will be bursts of hyperthyroid behavior as the thryoid gland is destroyed by antibodies in Hashimoto's thryoiditis.

Is chickenpox autoimmune?

Chickenpox is not an autoimmune disease. Chickenpox is a viral communicable disease.

Is ankylosing spondylitis an autoimmune disease?

Yes, ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune disease.

Is graves dusease a autoimmune disorder?

Yes, Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease.