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Q: What are some things Alexander Hamilton failed at?
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Was Alexander Hamilton argumentative?

According to some information that I have read about Alexander Hamilton, apparently, one of the things he was known for was arguing with General George Washington. xoxo, Miley Ray Cyrus

Who were some of Alexander Hamilton's supporters?

Followers of Alexander Hamilton referred to themselves as federalists.

Who first established a national banking system as treasury secretary?

Hamilton. He actually did some very illegal things while in office. The men who fought the revolution were promised land as part of the compensation for fighting. After, the war they were given a grant on paper stating the land was given them. Hamilton went to these men and bought the grants from them for less than they were worth. He also reasoned that the more people owed the government the more they want to see it survive.

What are some important people from the 1700s?

benjamin franklin , alexander hamilton

Who were some of the leaders who worked to produce a new constitution?

Gouverneur Morris, Daniel Shays, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton

What were some bad things Aaron Burr did?

Well if he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel even though duels settled a lot back then and thought john Adams and thomas Jefferson were both evil then probably yes.

What are some of the objections Alexander hamilton has against aaron burr?

A lot of thing

What age did Alexander Hamilton die?

There is some discrepancy as to Alexander Hamilton's birth year. It is recorded as being 1757, but Danish records lead historians to believe he was actually born in 1755. Having died in 1804, Hamilton was either 49 or 51.

Who were the Federalist Papers written by?

James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, with some help from John Jay.

Who wrote at least 51 of the Federalist Papers in support of ratification?

Alexander Hamilton is believed to have written 52 of the 85 Federalist essays supporting ratification of the Constitution. Historians believe some of the writing was a collaboration between Hamilton and Madison, but haven't specified which papers.

I like some time into it first Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth?

It was Alexander Hamilton who urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of manufacturing. Alexander Hamilton was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Homestate of Alexander Hamilton?

Alexander Hamilton wasn't born in the US, but he represented New York.