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Consider joining Dads House in Yahoo Groups to communicate with other fathers doing this, as well as getting a complete list of the links found in here of materials to add you. There's no costs or donation requirements. see links below for a starting point.

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Q: What are some things a father needs to get custody of his newborn child?
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How can the father of oldest child get his oldest child back after CPS took custody of all the children at hospital because mother and newborn baby tested positive for opiates the day child was born?

When CPS or other child welfare authorities take custody of a child, they must file a suit, usually in juvenile court. This is often referred to as a deprivation proceeding. The father would have to file notice in the suit and seek custody from that court.

Father wants custody of child and the mother is sick?

Father must petition for custody and court will weigh what situation is best for the child

Does the father have a say in who the child can date if he doesn't have custody?

Even without full custody, a parent is still a parent. Make sure that you have an open dialogue with your child so that you can discuss these types of things with them.

How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother?

How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother in North Carolina?

What is the time frame for child abandonment so father can gain full custody?

A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

If no father is listed who has legal custody of the child?

The mother. If she dies, her parents get custody.

Can a father keep his child out of state the child resides in?

sounds like kdnap to me. does the father have custody?

How do you file for social security for a decease child father?

if father dead, you need custody of child

Can divorced father with primary custody let child live with his 28 year old son and wife or does the child have to stay with mother if not with father?

That depends on the custody order, but she can file for a change of custody.

Can a step father maintain custody of a child if the biological father emerges after two years?

only if mum has custody

When will court give custody to the father?

When, in the opinion of the court, granting the father custody would be in the best interests of the child.

When a child is born to a minor child age sixteen does that child have legal custody of the newborn baby?

ANSWER: Yes. Regardless of your age, you are still the mother. You will have legal custody unless those rights are terminated by the Court.