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Q: What are some things plants produce?
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What do plants produce that is important to all living things?

Oxygen is what plants produce that is important to all living things!

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Some plants produce seeds that develop inside of what?

some plants produce seeds that develop inside of what?

Do young plant produce seed?

Well not all plants produce seeds because they are different kinds of plants , so some can and some can not produce seeds .

What if there is no plants?

If no plants or trees were on Earth all living things would die after a while because plants produce oxygen which living things need to live.

What are some things that are producers?

Producers are green plants of any kind as they produce their own energy through sunlight namely producers.

What two things can vasular plants do that non-vascular plants cannot do?

vascular plants can produce pollen grains and seeds

Are plants flowering or none flowering?

You get both flowering plants and non-flowering plants; non-flowering are things like mosses, ferns and liverworts which produce spore, flowering plants produce seeds

Why some plants have flowers?

To produce fruits and seeds

Are non-flowering plants asexual?

No, some produce sexually, but they produce spores not seed

What are 3 things that plants produce when they carry out photosynthesis?

CO2, Glucose, and a baby girl.

What type of things produce their own food from the sunlight?

Green plants, they are called photosynthesizers