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You can make candy, Computer programs, soap, candles, invent something new (this requires a big budget depending on what you are making), make things out of resin.

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Q: What are some things that you can make to sell for your own business?
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What does a business do?

What a business does depends on the type of business it is. Some businesses create things while other businesses sell things.

How do you make some money?

Have a lemonade stand or sell things that you don't want!

Im trying to find a business in my city I do not know the name or type of business it is I only know some of the things they sell. How do I go about doing this?

look on google

What can you sell to make 100 dollars?

Clean out some of your things u don't want & have a garage sale or sell them in eBay

How can kids make a business at home?

Just decide what you can make at home like sell cookies or sell some oragome. like i make name tags .you can see what you have around your house and make sure its OK with your parents.KID APPROVED

What are some things you could make and sell?

Definitely Friendship Bracelets! I sell them all the time and they sell really well! Just price them for a reasonable price, I sell them for .50 apiece

What are some companies that sell customized business gifts?

Things Remembered is a national shop that sells gift items that can be personalized. Hallmark has a business division for customizing greeting cards businesses.

What can a business in debt do to pay the debt?

There are many different solutions I can think of. The owners could sell part of the business, they can try some new things, they can get a loan... All good ideas.

What are some good ways to sell your business?

Good ways to sell your business include getting a broker to sell it for you or selling it yourself. You can sell the business yourself by putting up classified ads online and in the newspapers.

Can you make a lot of money off a vending machine business?

There are many ways to make money with vending machines. It depends on what you sell, where you sell, and how many vendors you have. Some sell pop, candy, snacks, or anything else. There's a varitiey of items you could sell and make hundreds of dollars.

What are some ways a 13 year old kid can make money?

they can sell candy and things in shcool.

How do you make profit on business internal sources?

open an online store, find some cheap and good quality products and sell them