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Projectiles generally refer to ammunition fired from firearms or larger guns. Some true statements about projectiles include:

  1. Projectiles can be fin- or spin-stabilized.
  2. Explosive-loaded projectiles can be as small as one inch in diameter
  3. The horizontal velocity of the projectile remains constant throughout it's entire motion.
  4. The projectile accelerates at 9.8m/s/s vertically (ignoring resistance).

Medically, true statements about projectiles include:

  1. It is not just the size or diameter of a projectile that determines how much damage it can do to the physical body, but what is put into the projectile.
  2. Certain types of bullets (projectiles) enter and and can exit the body cleanly, unless the bullet strikes a bone.
  3. A bullet's casing flattens in a body when it strikes a bone.
  4. Other types of bullets loaded with certain materials can "explode" inside the body, causing more damage.
  5. Not all bullets can be surgically removed, if it came to rest in an area where surgery would pose more of a risk than leaving the bullet in place.
  6. In some rare cases, people have carried a bullet in their bodies for years without knowing it.
  7. The body immediately tries to wall off the foreign body, but the bodies' defenses cannot control bleeding without human intervention (surgeons).
  8. A projectile velocity is strong enough that it can break a bone.
  9. Though a "through and through" entry-exist is better because there is usually no foreign body left in the body, the person can still bleed internally and even die depending on what structures the bullet passed through.
  10. Though actors are shown in movies (example: westerns) removing a bullet on their own from a wound and stitching the wound, this is unlikely to work in real life. If a bullet lies in fat, it would be easier, but even a layer of fat contains blood vessels. A regular person without medical training could tear more tissues. Besides, the pain to remove a bullet while conscious would be too intense to do by yourself.

They are subjected to friction, gravity, and momentum.
Spin or fin stabilized

Can be as small as one inch in diameter

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