

What are symptoms of phosgene oxide?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What are symptoms of phosgene oxide?
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What are some examples of hazardous chemicals?

Examples: sodium cyanide, phosgene, hydrogen fluoride, mercuric chloride, arsenic oxide, etc

Is carbonyl chloride or phosgene gas organic?

Yes. Carbonyl chloride or phosgene of COCl2 is organic.

What are the effects of phosgene gas?

Phosgene gas can be turned into a liquid. Exposure to the gas or liquid form of phosgene can cause nausea, watery eyes, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and coughing.

What does phosgene smell like?

Phosgene is a chemical warfare agent used by Hitler in WWI.

Is Phosgene organic or inorganic?


Symptoms of low nitric oxide levels?

you sleep more, lose the will to exercise = to tired to work

What kind of chemical weapons were used in World War 1?

Chlorine and phosgene. Chlorine's effects were shown a few hours after inhaling, making the victim cough up their lungs bit by bit. Phosgene was harder to see, and it's symptoms came 10 hours after inhaling, therefore, more could be inhaled and the effect would be more painful.

How do you test the purity of a sample of chloroform?

This is because in the presence of air chloroform is oxidised to phosgene. To prevent the formation of phosgene, they are stored in dark colored bottles.CHCl3 + 1/2 O2 ---->HCl + COCl2.Phosgene is represented as COCl2. This is poisonous.

How does phosgene effect the human body?

when inhaled phosgene reacts with the water in the lungs creating hydrochloric acid and carbon monoxide. Since the upper respiratory tract is not very affected, the warning signs of phosgene were almost undetectable, till it was to late. Symptoms do not normally appear for two to twenty four hours after inhaling. The creation of hydrochloric acid in the lungs causes pulmonary edema, and may cause bronchial pneumonia and lung abscesses. If enough is inhaled the victim can die within 36 hours.

Why was Phosgene gas used?

because it was effective

Phosgene is a common name of?

Carbonyl dichloride

What is the chemical formula of phosgene gas?

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