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Answer:When dealing with crowds of people in an enclosed location, a Security Officers options are limited to their Standard Operating Procedures, their available tools, their training and the demeanor of the crowd. Before getting involved with large groups of people, make sure that any steps you take are within your SOP. The next step is determining the type of crowd you have to deal with. For example, you may be dealing with a line of parents and children waiting for Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny who will be willing to follow directions. You may also come across crowds of adults and teenagers who may be waiting in line for tickets for a big show or a hot selling/hard to get item. Those individuals will be more agitated and while cooperative, may pose a hazard. Then you have the crowds of angry/disruptive people. These could be protesters, drunks, or maybe two groups arguing with each other. These individuals will ignore you until you are forced to deal with them.

Anytime you expect an act of violence, notify your Command staff as well as the local Law Enforcement. Never deal with a large mob mentality on your own. For cooperative crowds, utilize proper manners and ask them to relocate. Go along the group and repeat your commands. If the group is very large, use a whistle or bullhorn (if available) to get the groups attention. Never be rude or disrespectful to anyone.

Should the group become violent, protect yourself. Should you witness someone being assaulted, you may take steps to assist them if you are properly equipped and do not put yourself in harms way. A can of OC spray/foam/gel can help clear attackers away from a victim.

If you expect trouble, lock down areas of the mall to prevent the group from moving around. The objective is to get the group outside. A good department will have plans in place to handle these types of events. The plan should be reviewed ever few months and updated. The department should also run drills to make sure everyone knows their part. Last, but not least, be confident when dealing with one or one hundred people, because confidence will get you a long way when dealing with people.

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