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Just tell how the story connects with the real worldd and how it connects to you

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1mo ago

Text connections for "The Golden Goblet" may include themes of friendship, perseverance, and self-discovery. Readers may also draw connections with historical events of ancient Egypt, recognizing the importance of maintaining traditions and the impact of social hierarchies. Additionally, there are opportunities to discuss character development and moral choices throughout the story.

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The ISBN of The Golden Goblet is 0140303359.

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As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, there is no official map of the settings in the book "The Golden Goblet" by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. While there are descriptions of various locations within the story, readers have created their own visualizations of these settings based on the text.

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In "The Golden Goblet," Ibni was a slave who worked as the head forger in the city of Thebes. He was skilled at creating intricate metalwork and was responsible for making replicas of the golden goblet that Ranofer stole.