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Q: What are the 14 points after World War 1?
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President Wilson's Fourteen Points was a proposal for world peace following what war?

He proposed the 14 points following World War 1

President Wilson's plan for peace in World War 1?

14 points

Who proposed 14 points to peace?

President Woodrow Wilson proposed the 14 Points during the peace treaty talks that ended World War 1.

How was the Wilson's 14 points involved in world war 1?

The 14 points of the Versailles Treaty were NOT President Wilson's 14 points they were created by many countries, mainly France, to punish Germany. Wilson's agenda was the League of Nations.

What did the 14 points have to do with world war 2?

Most of Wilson's '14 Points' were never accepted. They were conciliatory toward Germany and remarkably progressive. His suggestion for a 'League of Nations', a predecessor to the United Nations, was adopted by many nations, but not by his own country, the US, which did not join. Had Wilson's ideas been implemented, the Nazi party would probably never have been formed, and the Second World War might have been avoided.

Why did Germans have points on there head in world war 1?

They were decorative.

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Following World War 1 how did Wilson propose to have world peace?

through the fourteen points.

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