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The largest is the Pacific Ocean, with the Atlantic Ocean second largest.

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Q: What are the 2 big oceans?
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How large are the oceans?

The oceans cover over 2 thirds of the earth. In other words, BIG.

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Where is the big bodies of water found on earth?

The Oceans.

What 2 oceans have a coastline on Alaska?

The Pacific and the Arctic Oceans.

Are all oceans in the world the same depth?

yes. Yes all oceans are all one, such as the Pacific and indian, are all part of one, huge, big ocean.

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any book about oceans

What state borders 2 oceans?

Alaska, who borders the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

How big are the ocean?

The oceans cover an area of 71% of the Earth's surface.

What Ocean Did The allies have control over during World War 2?

The Allies eventually gained control of all the oceans. That was a big part of winning WW2.

Which 2 oceans touch Ohio?

Ohio is in the central USA and does not touch any oceans.

Are oceans connected or separate?

They r connected, but where 2 oceans meet there is a strong current

Describe the oceans and explain how the water cycle affects the salinity of the ocean?

Oceans are big water bodies. Salinity is due to the presence of minerals in water.