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One effect is that the space race happened. The ending of this was victory for America. Another one is that America has a boost of nukes and atomic bombs. The last one is that many countries in the eastern area if Europe became weaker.

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Q: What are the 3 effects of the cold war?
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What were the effects of the Cold War?

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the long TERM effect was the CoLd WaR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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More money spent on National Defense.

How did the cold war affect the earth?

The Cold War had the potential to severely impact the earth through the effects of expolding hundreds of nuclear weapons if it ever became a hot war. But as the Cold War did not result in a nuclear confrontation, it had esseentially no impact on the earth.

What effects did the Cold War have on Vietnam?

Vietnam gave the "cold war" leaders the opportunity to perfect their "cold war" actually using them in combat; e.g. the B52 & the MiG21 for example. SAMs and their accompanying radars as another example.

Did US and Soviet involvement in cold war escalate it?

Well, yes, we and the USSR were basically the only real country's in the war. However the cold war never really was a literal war. However the Korean War and the Vietnam War were effects of the Cold War, Also the Cuban Missile Crisis was as well.