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In 12-step terminology, an addiction is any behavior that is now independent of what caused it and is making your life unmanageable. It is something that you alone cannot stop, despite knowing that it is causing you harm and do not want it.

Compulsive Eating fits these criteria. Obesity often results. The burdens placed on the body due to obesity destroy the healthy production schedule of necessary hormones, etc... (the link between obesity and Type II Diabetes has recently been found to be exaggerated).

Body Dysmorphia is what is commonly referred to as a "distorted body image." It often leads to Anorexia Nervosa (self-starvation) or Bulimia (binge-purge). Bulimics starve themselves for a time, then binge on huge quantities followed by self-induced vomiting. The acid from their vomiting eventually erodes/eats the enamel on their teeth, their gums and their esophagus. Fatal bleeding can result from this.

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Q: What are the 3 most common eating disorders and what are the characteristics of each?
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An eating disorder by NEDIC are?

All eating disorders have a different defination. While some may have similar characteristics, symptoms, results, side effects, and so on, each will have a different textbook definition.

How do you determine you have an eating disorder?

It depends upon the eating disorder. There are different signs for each of the eating disorders. Anorexia, Bulimia, bing eating disorder, and compulsive overeating are all different.

Why does anorexia always affect women'?

Anorexia does not always affect women. About 10% of anorexics are male. Anorexia - and most other eating disorders - are more common in women for a few reasons. Women naturally are more social, and thus focus on social pressures more then men. When social pressures demand thin-ness, women are more likely to develop eating disorders. A woman also experiences more changes in her body (pregnancy, for example) that can fuel body dislike and eating disorders. Women also tend to be more critical of each other than men are to each other. This harshness or bullying can lead to low self esteem and eating disorders, too.

How mnay different types of eating disorders are there?

There are very many types out there. An exact number is unknown, as there are new types added each year in the DSM (the official 'bible' for psychological diseases and illnesses). Eating disorders also vary through cultures.

Could a man with a eating disorder have a healthy relationship with a woman with a eating disorder?

Well, they might relate to each other in a healthy way. But they might also find it more difficult to stay on top of their eating disorders.

How can eating disorders be treated?

There are different treatments for all different types of eating disorders. Most treatments are also specially created to fit the needs of each individual patient. However, there are some similarities. For minor cases of eating disorders - *Drug therapy *Food and Nutrtional classes / therapy *Mental therapy (group sessions, family and friends involved) *Meals given to them that they must eat For severe cases of eating disorders - *Drug therapy *Extensive therapy with family and friends *IV / Feeding tubes *Rehab to learn to eat

What does anorexia have in common with?

Both anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders where extreme dieting is used to lose weight. Anorexia is not eating or strictly limiting the food eaten, while bulimia is mostly throwing up after meals. Both disorders are commonly thought to originate as a mental disorder, possibly linkd to Body Dismorohic Disorder (BDD). Each can cause serious health risks and problmes. In sever cases, both can become fatal.

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What are the common characteristics?

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What are the symptoms of each diseases or disorders?

Exactly what disease or disorders are you referring to?

How much suffering will the person have to endure from eating disorders?

There are many different kinds of eating disorders and they will each affect the sufferer in different ways. However, from personal experience and knowledge I can safely say that the suffering is indescribable and horrific, and anyone suffering from an ED should seek professional help. The suffering is too immense to go it alone, in my opinion.

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