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Q: What are the 3 pollutants could of been released of incomplete combustion?
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Can living in a house with a propane leak and not knowing for 7 mos. be harmful?

Yes. In theory it would be possible to blow your house up if you turned on your heater or your gas stove, or even if you light a cigarette. Not to mention that incomplete combustion could cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that comes from the incomplete combustion of an organic compound, such as methane, propane, tobacco, and gasoline. If a person is exposed to high concentrations of CO in an enclosed area he/she could die.

What is the chemical element of smog?

"Smog," a term coined in 1905 to describe the combination of smoke and fog rising from factory smokestacks during the Industrial Revolution, is mostly comprised of sulphur dioxide (sometimes called "SOX"). However, since the introduction of the automobile, vehicular emissions and the increased use of fossil fuels for heating and industry have introduced new chemicals to the atmosphere, changing the composition of smog. This is called "photochemical smog." Along with sulphur dioxide, the primary pollutants of photochemical smog are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOX). These primary pollutants interact with the heat of the sun to produce various hazardous chemicals known as "secondary pollutants," which include peroxyacetyl nitrates and tropospheric ozone. and stuff like that

What are two consequences that could occur if the ozone layer continues to be depleted due to destructive ozone pollutants?

There are many consequences we could face. One of it is the skin cancer and other is eye cataract.

If your oven is leaking carbon monoxide does it leak when using the stove top?

Not necessarily; it depends on exactly what the problem is. Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion, which could conceivably be a problem with the oven burners but not the stove top burners. However, given that carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and deadly, you should probably have it checked over by a qualified technician just to be certain

Related questions

What toxic gas could be formed by the incomplete combustion of butane?

Carbon monoxide.

What is a by product of combustion?

If the combustion is incomplete, carbon monoxide can be formed. Other than that, if you are in an enclosed space, carbon dioxide could be dangerous. Also, if a fire occurs, that could also be dangerous.

How could methane burn to produce carbon monoxide?

methane could burn in an area with a low concentration of oxygen, this incomplete combustion would have the following "balanced" (or stoichiometric) equation; CH4 + 1 1/2 O2 -> CO + 2H2O the complete combustion (where excess oxygen is present) would be; CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O The key differnce between the two is that complete combustion produces water and carbon dioxide, incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide and water.

What could be the problem when each time you crank your vehicle it puts out smoke from the back?

Incomplete combustion from the engine. Check the spark plug and the air intake.

How do you get candles to burn with a higher flame?

Not sure, but Im aware that incomplete combustion takes place in candles, as the ratio of oxygen to the fuel is incorrect. Maybe a feed of oxygen could help.

When methanol burns and leaves a residue is it a chemical change?

Combustion is a chemical change. You would expect methanol to be fully oxidised to CO2 and water. Any residue could may be due to impurities or more likely to incomplete combustion which produced sooty carbon residues.

What happens if you burn something with not enough oxygen?

When you burn something without enough oxygen for complete burning, you get incomplete burning; for example, instead of getting carbon dioxide as a combustion product, you could get carbon monoxide.

How do you save water from pollutants?

You could make a clean oitment

What could you do to help them?

Incomplete question - does not say who 'them' is

Who disprooved the phlogiston theory?

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Lavoisier showed that combustion requires a gas that has weight (oxygen) and that the gas released during combustion (carbon dioxide) could be measured by means of weighing closed vessels (jars) containing burning substances. The use of closed vessels removed the weight of the outside air which had disguised the mass of the 'phlogiston' which was supposedly released during combustion thus making the released CO² measurable.

What is a combustion reaction describe two ways in which you could increase the route of a combustion reaction?

heat and air

Write a balanced equation for the complete combustion of benzene?

The chemical formula for benzene is C6H6. A combustion reaction requires O2 gas and forms H2O liquid and CO2 gas. The balanced equation for the combustion of benzene is 2C6H6(l) + 15O2(g) ---> 12CO2(g) + 6H2O(g).