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When you burn something without enough oxygen for complete burning, you get incomplete burning; for example, instead of getting carbon dioxide as a combustion product, you could get carbon monoxide.

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Q: What happens if you burn something with not enough oxygen?
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Coal cannot burn without oxygen.

What happens when you burn fuel in virtually no oxygen?

With virtually no oxygen, you can burn fuel for virtually no time before the oxygen runs out.

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If there's not enough oxygen, the methane cannot burn properly. When this happens, some of the carbon combines with a little oxygen to form carbon monoxide. Some carbon will not react with oxygen at all, and forms of carbon powder, often called soot.

Does oxygen make something burn?

No it doesn't make something burn. But if something is already burning, it supports the burning. In the fire triangle, which is what makes a fire, it says that you need fuel, oxygen, and something else, that I tend to forget. So, technically, oxygen does make something burn, because you need that oxygen to help it and if you don't have that then it won't burn. So, I say yes, it does.

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Most thing burn in the presence of oxygen.

What does combustion of alcohol mean?

It's when you burn something i.e. add oxygen to something. One of the products for complete combustion is carbon dioxide. For incomplete combustion which is when there isn't enough oxygen, then carbon monoxide is formed.

What happens when substances burn in air?

Oxygen is used up.

Why does something need oxygen to burn?

Technically hydrogen and helium do not need oxygen to burn, they burn by themselves, otherwise the object that needs burning must have oxygen as a supplimental fuel source.

What happens when you remove oxygen from a wood fire?

That is, what they already do. No kind of fire can burn without oxygen!

What happens to oxygen when things burn?

the oxygen burns away so the mass off the object will increase

What happens to sulfur on heating?

If it is burning and exposed to oxygen it will burn an indigo color