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Most thing burn in the presence of oxygen.

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Q: What does something flammable burn in the presence of?
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What does flammability mean in science term?

It means 'able to be lit on fire' and flammable means that a material or chemical has the abilty to catch fire.

What is nonflammability?

Nonflammable is something that won't catch on fire.

What means extremely flammable?

It means something will burn easily.

Something that cannot burn has the property of what?

This substance is noncombustible and not flammable.

What does flammable mean and inflammable mean?

Flammable AND inflammable both mean that something can easily catch fire. Gasoline is a flammable liquid, and is inflammable. Something that will NOT burn is nonflammable.


An object that is able to catch fire in the presence of oxygen.

Is it true that a liquid that can burn is flammable?

If a liquid is flammable it will burn. Flammable means can catch on fire.

What is the definition of flammability?

It means that it is able to catch on fire.How flammable something is. More simply, how easy something will catch in fire.Flammability (flammable) means something is able to catch on fire.

Is a liquid that can burn flammable?

Yes it does mean it is flammable.

Can sand burn?

No sand is not flammable. This is easier to consider if we think of occasions where sand is thrown onto a fire to put it out.STUPID ANSWER

Why is oxygen known as a non-combustible agent?

Oxygen itself isn't flammable but it is required for something to burn

What does the highly and extrely flammable mean?

It really, really, will not burn. Inflammable means that something will not burn. Flammable means that it will burn. Understanding the confusion with this word in particular, most trucking companies carrying non-flammable materials will now indicate this with the word non-flammable instead of the admittedly strange 'inflammable'. So "highly inflammable" is a highly suspect description.