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Q: What are the 3 types of radiation and define each type?
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There are different types of radiation; you may be referring to the electromagnetic radiation.

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The most dangerous type of radiation is Nuclear radiation which is the one that should be most worried about.

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A single electron can produce different types of radiation. Radiation, frequency, and wavelength all rely on each other. If an electron can produce multiple types of radiation, it can also produce different wavelengths and frequencies, because the wavelengths and frequencies are dependent on the radiation type.

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Electromagnetic radiation a kind of radiation that includes visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays. The electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously in this type of radiation.

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The absorption of radiation is different for each shielding material and type of radiation.

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The details depend on what type of radiation you are thinking about. Some units that apply to lots of types of radiation include:* Power * Intensity, which is power per unit area * Frequency and wavelength - many types of radiation come in waves.

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What are the 2 names of radiation?

There are two main types of radiation: External Radiation External radiation is the most common type of radiation, typically given after lumpectomy and sometimes, mastectomy. Internal Radiation Internal radiation is a less common method of giving radiation. It is being studied for use after lumpectomy.