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Every geography on earth experiences four seasons annually: spring, summer, fall and winter.

Winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21, and because of the tilt of the earth, this is the beginning of Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. All seasons at the poles change according to this pattern.

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Q: What are the 4 seasons in north and south pole?
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How are the 4 seasons made?

The seasonal shift comes from the tilt of the earth's rotational axis. During winter the north pole will be more distant from the sun, relative the south pole; and vice versa during summer.

How many does a magnet pole have?

It has 2 Poles the North Pole and the South Pole . Extra Info . : Like Poles repel where as unlike Poles attract .

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ancients believed the earth from north pole to south pole was 500,000,000 million inches... i can believe it

Are there 3 North Poles?

No, there is only one geographic North Pole located at 90 degrees north latitude. However, there are magnetic and geomagnetic North Poles which refer to the points where the Earth's magnetic field lines are vertical.

Name 5 different ways the north pole and south pole are different?

Climate: The North Pole is covered by floating sea ice whereas the South Pole is a continent covered by a permanent ice sheet. Location: The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean while the South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica. Accessibility: The North Pole is easier to access and has seen human visitors, while the South Pole is more remote and difficult to reach. Wildlife: The North Pole is home to polar bears and Arctic wildlife, while the South Pole has penguins and unique Antarctic wildlife. Magnetic field: The North Pole of the Earth's magnetic field is located near the geographic North Pole, while the South Pole of the magnetic field is located near the geographic South Pole.

What is the earth doing to have 4 seasons?

The Earth has 4 seasons because of its axial tilt of 23 and a half degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, which causes the northern and southern hemispheres to alternately point partially toward and away from the sun.

Why does the northern hemisphere have 4 seasons?

weather conditions nearer the pole

What are the places that have 4 seasons?

Asia, Europe, Africa, Antartica, Oceania, North America and South America The whole earth really.

What are the differences between the North and South Poles?

The North Pole is located in the Arctic region at the center of the Arctic Ocean, covered by shifting sea ice. In contrast, the South Pole is situated in Antarctica, which is a continent covered by a thick ice sheet. The North Pole is surrounded by water, while the South Pole is a landmass covered in ice.

What is the population of south pole?

Excluding scientists, the population is 0.And there are also no animals at the North Pole itself (although polar bear tracks have been observed - very rarely).However, extending beyond the North Pole, the population within the Arctic Circle (commonly confused with the North Pole) is around 4 million.

What is Montana and state climate.?

Montana has what is called a continental climate. It gets hot in the summer, cold in the winter, and has 4 distinct seasons. Montana is at the 46th parallel, approximately 1/2 way between the Equator and the North Pole.

What is coldest the south pole or the north pole?

==The South Pole== The South Pole is generally colder than the North Pole, partly because it is higher (9000' above sea level) and partly because it is further from the warming effects of water. On the other hand, neither is considered the coldest place on Earth. Parts of Siberia and Greenland are often colder than the North Pole, and Vostok Station in Antarctica with an elevation of around 11,500' is not only colder than the South Pole, but is considered the coldest place on Earth with an average temperature of -67F.South Pole