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Q: What are the 4 types of media that you will use to connect your network and which network protocol you will use with each?
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What are the four types of media used to connect a network?

Unguided media,unsheilded twisted pair,sheilded twisted pair secondly guided media i.e coaxial cable,ehernet,thikwire,thin wire etc

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An ethernet adapter is the component that allows you to connect to your internet modem or computer network. Upon connecting your ethernet cable, you will be able to access the internet or computer network to which you are connected.

What are protocols for long distance communication?

There are 5 types pf protocols used in the computer network.

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a topology is a way to connect the network system. we can connect network with different types ring ,bus and mash is a topology or way to show connect network with different types in ring topology the systems which we want to connect in network in the form of ring

What are 2 types of guided transmission media?

FTP (file transfer protocol) and SMTP(Short massage transfer protocol) are two type of protocol help us to transfer the file

What is Classification of network media?

classification of network means how many types of network means in other word we can say that categories of network

How can Transmission media can be defined?

signal transmitted from transmitter to rfecevier is known as media transmission media divided in to two types guided unguided Transmission Media: All network nodes (computers and peripherals) are connected to each other and to the network by transmission media. A transmission medium establishes a communications channel between the nodes on a network and can take several forms: a. Networks can use existing wiring such as power lines b. Networks canuse additional cable to connect nodes c. Wireless networks use radio waves instead of wires or cable to connect nodes.

What is difference between Communications protocol and type?

Communication protocols are the rules than govern use of different types of media.

What is a public network?

A public network is when anyone has access to connect to the internet. These types of networks can be found at airports or coffee shops.

What device that allows for different types of devices to physically connect to a network?

hub and router

What are the types of protocols?

routing protocol: helps to find the best path to transfer the packets from one network to diffrent network example: rip: routing information protocol igrp, ospf...... routed protocol: helps to carry the packets to the destination. example: smtp : transfer the mails ftp : transfer the files.