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Kingdom Fungi has characteristics that identifies it. The organisms in this kingdom are eukaryotic, heterotrophic, reproduce by means of spores that might be asexual or sexual and they are non-vascular.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Fungi generally have the following characteristics:

1. They are eukaryotes. This means they have a nucleus which contains their genetic material (unlike bacteria, which do not have a nucleus).

2. They are made of thin threads called hyphae. The hyphae form a branching network called a mycelium.However some fungi are made of a single cell eg yeast.

3. The hyphae have a cell wall (like plant cells) made of a material called chitin (unlike plant


4. The hyphae are often multinucleate. This means that the cytoplasm is not divided up into separate cells, but contins many individual nuclei.

5. Fungi do not contain chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plant cells. This means they cannot make their own food by photosynthesis (like plants do) but have to obtain ready-made food (like animals do).

6. Most fungi are saprotrophic (also called saprophytic), which means they obtain their food by releasing digestive enzymes onto the food and then absorbing the digested food. Some fungi live as parasites on other living organisms and get their food from their host. Others live as mutualists, forming a close relationship with another organism in which both benefit eg lichens are formed by a mutualistic relationship between fungi and algae.

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12y ago

Characteristics of Kingdom Fungi are-

Unique features:

  • Some species grow as single-celled yeasts that reproduce by budding or binary fission. Dimorphic fungi can switch between a yeast phase and a hyphal phase in response to environmental conditions.
  • The fungal cell wall is composed of glucansand chitin; while the former compounds are also found in plants and the latter in the exoskeletonof arthropods, fungi are the only organisms that combine these two structural molecules in their cell wall. In contrast to plants and the oomycetes, fungal cell walls do not contain cellulose.
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10y ago
  1. fungi are Eukaryotic organisms.
  2. All fungi have characteristic tubular body known as Mycelium(except yeast which is a non-hyphal unicellular fungi)
  3. All fungi nuclei are haploid.
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15y ago

sorry, we don't know the answer, but we will soon get to that

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12y ago

club, sac, and zygote fungi

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11y ago

decomposition and paratism

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10y ago


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