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1. Arteriosclerosis: Hardening of the arteries resulting from damage of the artery lining because of the high pressure.

2. Coronary artery disease: narrowing of the arteries of the heart. Can cause heart attacks and arrhythmias.

3. Left ventricular hypertrophy: The heart must work harder than usual due to high blood pressure, leading to an increase in the size and stiffness of the left ventricle.

4. Kidney Failure: High blood pressure can damage the arteries leading to your kidneys and the little arteries within your kidney. This leads to difficulty in blood filtering.

5. Dementia: Blocked blood flow to the brain causes cognitive functioning impairment.

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Q: What are the 5 factors that may cause a person to develop hypertension?
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What is a known is the cause of hypertension?

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Some common causes are: Sleep apnea Emphysema Some people develop pulmonary hypertension without there being an obvious cause. This is called Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension.

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Caffeine can cause hypertension and hypertension can cause other complications that may kill a person.

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Hypertension without a known cause is called primary or essential hypertension.

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Caffeine can cause hypertension and hypertension can cause other complications that may kill a person.

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Yes penicillin dose cause hypertension for life; it is common knowledge

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No, hypertension has not been proven to cause eating disorders.

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I'd go with hypertension. It is a disease with no fixed cause. It is caused by a mixture of genetic and lifestyle factors. All of the rest are caused by an infectious agent.

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As per references when you are put on Amlodipine therapy for treatment of hypertension,you are 34% less likely to develop new onset of diabetes.

What's Hypertension?

The vast majority of cases are unknown, this is known as "essential hypertension". High blood pressure can be made worse by stress and emotional tension. There are many other causes, including kidney causes (intrinsic disease vs vascular), hormonal (such as cushing's syndrome, a phaechromocytoma (adrenaline producing tumour), conn's syndrome, acromegaly and high parathyroid hormone levels). Other causes include pregnancy, coarctation of the aorta, and medicines given to you, such as steroids, certain antidepressants (MAOIs) and even the oral contraceptive pill can raise your BP. If you're worried, it's best to go see your GP/Family Doctor. There are many potential causes of hypertension. As people age, they will often develop hypertension naturally. Unhealthy lifestyles can also cause hypertension. Alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, high sodium intake, and obesity are risk factors for hypertension. People who are under a large amount of stress often develop hypertension. Finally, not ingesting enough calcium, potassium, or magnesium can also cause hypertension.

Can caffeine be fatal?

With sufficient dosages. However, ingesting this amount is nearly impossible outside of overdosing on pure caffeine. Additionally, over time, caffeine can cause hypertension and hypertension can cause other complications that may kill a person.