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Movement>prime mover. Abduction>deltoid. Adduction>gravity. Flexion>pectoralis major(sternal part). Extension>teres major. Medial rotation>pectoralis major(sternal). Lateral rotation>infraspinatus.

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Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Medial rotation, Lateral rotation

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Your boner

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Q: What are the 9 movements of the shoulder joint?
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What effect does the glenoid cavity have on the shoulder joint?

the glenoid cavity is where the bone from the arm does all it's movements. it's essentially the "socket", if you consider the shoulder joint a ball and socket joint.

Which joint allows for the following movements flexion extension abduction adduction rotation and circumduction?

Ball and socket joint allows the above movements. Shoulder and hip joints are classic examples of this type of joints. Shoulder joint is much more mobile and circumduction movement is well marked in that joint.

What movement can the shoulder joint not do despite being a multi-axial joint that allows a variety of movements?

Flexion, extension/hyperextension, trabsverse horizontal abduction, circumduction.If you think about the movements that you can do at your shoulder, you can figure this question out yourself. When in the anatomical position, we can perform flexion and extension,the forward and backward (respectively) movements of our arm at the shoulder joint. There is also abduction and adduction, which is the movement of rising our arm out to our sides, away from our body (abduction) and towards our body (adduction). Finally, there is also medial rotation and lateral rotation of the shoulder joint, in which we rotate the head of humerus in the shoulder-joint cavity (glenoid cavity). You may hear the combined movements of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction referred to as circumduction.

What are the primary joint movements of a lat pulldown exercise?

shoulder adduction, elbow flexion and scapular downward rotation

What is shoulder joint?

Your shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint.

What joint is your shoulder?

Your shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint.

Types of joint movements?

There are hinge joints like the knee and elbow, then there are ball and socket joints like the shoulder and hip joints.

Is your shoulder a pivot joint?

No. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and not a pivot joint.

What axis is the shoulder joint?

your shoulder joint is on your y axis

Which joint in the leg is equivalent to the shoulder?

The joint in the leg that is equivalent in the shoulder is the Ankle

What kind of joint is found at the shoulder?

The shoulder is classified as a ball-and-socket joint.

What is the single most freely movable joint in the body?

Shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint)