

What are the Buddhists rules?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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13y ago

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All Buddhists follow the Four Noble truths. If you are looking for more specific rules, look at the Eightfold Path.

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Q: What are the Buddhists rules?
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Are the five precepts rules?

no, they are guidelines for Buddhists to follow.

What are the dress rules of Buddhism?

For lay Buddhists, like myself, I wear normal everyday clothes. Buddhists Monks and Nuns wear robes that are traditional to the lineage they belong to.

Where is the main place of worship for Buddhists?

A main place for a Buddhist to worship is in a temple called the Vihara. I hope this will help.

What is the set of rules that Buddhist follow called?

The set of rules that Buddhists follow is called the Five Precepts. These are moral guidelines that Buddhists strive to uphold in order to live a virtuous life. They include refraining from harming living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and consuming intoxicants.

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Anything they want, there are no rules. If they were strict buddhists probablly traditional music, but remember they're modern too! There's pop, rap, all kinds of genres.

What are Buddhists sacred rules called?

"Sacred Rules" implies "God given" rules. There is no ruling deity to hand down or enforce such regulations in Buddhism, every person is responsible for their own progress towards enlightenment. Buddhists do have the Eightfold Path which are eight statements or suggestions that would help a person lead a more skillful (less painful) life.

Do buddhist eat beef?

The are few strict rules that all Buddhists have to follow, as such many Buddhists will eat beef. A large number may choose not to eat meat or have taken vows about what they may or may not eat or drink.

What do you call people who believe in Buddha?

People who believe in Buddha are commonly called Buddhists. They practice Buddhism

What is the bhuddhist special food and clothes?

There are no hard and fast food rules in Buddhism. A lot depends on what school of Buddhism is being adhered to. Some Buddhists choose a vegetarian diet as a means of bringing no harm to other creatures. Traditional Buddhists wear robes known as "civara."

Can Buddism have pork?

There is no specific rule against pork. Practicing Buddhists do abstain from killing, however. Some Buddhists see the chain of causation between the purchase of meat and the killing of animals, and thus are vegetarian. The Chinese version of the Vinaya, the rules for monks and nuns, forbids the eating of meat.

Do Buddhists worship Allah?

No. Buddhists do not worship, period.

Who teatches Buddhists to meditate?

Usually, more experienced Buddhists.