

What are the Mayans regions?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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the Maya regions were Mexico and Central America

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What are facts about Mayans?

There are Mayans still living in their home regions. Mayans enhanced the beauty of their children. They practiced great medicine.

Where did the Mayans go when they left there homes?

When the Mayans left their homes, they relocated to other nearby settlements or cities within the Maya civilization. Some Mayans integrated into other groups or societies, while others may have migrated to more distant regions. The reasons for their displacement varied but were often due to environmental, political, or social factors.

What cities were the Mayans located in?

Yucatan and Chichenitza were the regions where the Maya were located. These lands (a peninsula) had impressive temples and pyramids. The people of these lands believed it would honor the gods by building them.

What weather did the Mayans have?

The Mayans had hot weather.

Did the Mayans live in the rain forest?

Technically, the answer is both yes and no. They lived throughout Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, etc. Some of those regions were rainforest, but not exclusively.

What is the birth name of Antonio Mayans?

Antonio Mayans's birth name is Mayans Hervs, Jos Antonio.

Are the Mayans preserving the past?

the mayans are not preserving the past

How did Mayans communicate?

The mayans had a writing called the hieroglyphs.

Why did Mayans build observations?

Why did the mayans build observations

How did the Mayans find mirrors?

YES the Mayans had mirrors

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What did the mayans did for fun?

the mayans played pok-a-tok.