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Q: What are the Proteins called attack viruses and toxins?
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What is a biodefence?

A biodefence is any defensive measure taken against an attack using bacteria, viruses or toxins.

How does a virus differ from a toxin?

Viruses differ from toxins both in structure and mode of action. A virus is a complex molecular biological particle containing nucleic acids, several proteins and in many cases lipids; toxins on the other hand, are simple and mostly small molecules (mainly proteins or peptides). Toxins mostly act by blocking, via direct binding, the function of important proteins and enzymes. Viruses act by actively infecting cells.

What are viral toxins?

toxins secreted by viruses

Which of the following is NOT a type of biological agent Viruses Toxins Blood Bacteria?


How do antibodies interact with viruses?

yes anitbodies can destroy viruses but you have to have painkillers to destory them...make sure you don't get too addicted to them otherwise they're will be lots of viruses coming and you will become more ill..!!

What class of organic compounds do you suppose the toxins released by the man of war belong?

The toxins would be proteins because meat tenderizers break down proteins

What do antibodies do for fungal toxins in a cell?

they attack it

How do pathogen such as some bacteria and viruses cause disease symptoms?

Inflicted by toxins

What poison is produced by bacteria and viruses to make us feel ill?


What type of microbe produces bacitracin?

Bacteria and Viruses both produce toxins

How can foreign materials enter the body?

A foreign material that invades the body is called an antigen. Examples of antigens are bacteria, dust particles, viruses and toxins.

Is spider venom a toxin or something elsel?

Spider venoms all contain toxins. Some toxins attack cells at the bite site, and some attack nerve cells throughout the target organism.