

What are the Trombone positions for an a major scale?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What are the Trombone positions for an a major scale?
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What are the trombone positions for a major scale?

The slide positions for the A Major scale, starting on low A, are as follows: A - 2 B - 7 C#- 5 D - 4 E - 2 F#- 5 G#- 3 A - 2

What are the trombone slide positions for a A major scale?

The slide positions for the A Major scale, starting on low A, are as follows: A - 2 B - 7 C#- 5 D - 4 E - 2 F#- 5 G#- 3 A - 2

Trombone slide positions for A sharp scale?

The notes and positions for A-sharp are exactly the same as for B-flat.

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Slide positions for a B-flat major scale.

What is the fingering on trombone for b concert major scale?

Trombones don't have fingerings because they don't have valves. Instead, they have slide positions. The positions for the B major scale, starting on a 2nd line B and ascending are 7, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3, 1, 4.

What are the positions for a c scale on a trombone?

6, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3.

What are the positions for the a natural scale for Trombone?

2 7 5 4 2 4 3 2

What positions are e natural scale on the trombone?

2 5 3 2 4 2 3 2

What are the trombone positions for the a minor scale?

4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2

What are the trombone slide positions for the chromatic scale?

6421 6421 54321 4321 321 (thats al I know)

Slide Positions for C sharp Major scale on trombone?

C#-d#-f-f#-g#-a#-c-c# 5 3 1 5 3 1 3 2