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Q: What are the actions of the risorius?
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What is the action and position of the risorius muscle?

The risorius is a facial muscle which pulls the corners of the lips out and back (towards the ear).

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Risorius muscle

What muscles do you use to smile?

It is primarily the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles that are responsible for a smile, aided in part by the action of the buccinator :)

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Il y a environ 35 muscles dans la bouche, qui travaillent ensemble pour permettre les mouvements nécessaires à la mastication, la parole et la déglutition. Ces muscles sont responsables de diverses fonctions comme la mobilité de la langue, des joues et des lèvres.

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Oedipus' only motivation in his prior actions was to get away from his prophecy. His current actions were the result of wanting to get rid of the plague.

How can you put the word actions into a sentence?

Actions speak louder than words. You need to take responsibility for your actions. Because of the actions of a few misbehaving students, the entire class was punished. I regret my actions and I'm sorry for the pain I have caused.

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Fish do have reflex actions.