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The astronauts are put into pressure suits and strapped into seats in the crew compartment of the orbiter. Basically if you look at the shuttle on the pad they sit at the tip of the white plane like structure. There are 4 seats on the upper level or flight deck and usually 3 seats on the lower level or mid deck.

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Q: What are the actual positions of the astronauts inside the shuttle space before flying to outer space?
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How far in advance to astronauts have to enter the space shuttle before lift-off?

Approximately 3 hours

What is the process for launching a space shuttle.?

There are thousands of items on hundreds of checklists completed by thousands of technicians, engineers and astronauts at the Kennedy Space Center that must be completed before launching a space shuttle. These preparations start several days before the scheduled launch.

How do astronauts leave the earth?

astronauts leave earth by the liftoff of the space shuttle and rockets, it is called force of the rocket. The engine starts and liquid fuel comes out of the rocket and pushes them up.

Do all astrounuats die before returning to earth?

No. Only a few astronauts have died in the line of duty, and very few (and no Americans) have died in space. The most dangerous part of any space journey is the launch and the landing. Three American astronauts were killed in a fire in the capsule on the launch pad during testing before Apollo 1. Seven astronauts were killed when space shuttle Challenger was destroyed during launch, and seven astronauts were killed when the shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas during re-entry. At least a few astronauts were killed in aircraft accidents. We believe that the Russians lost a couple of astronauts in space, but this has never been admitted. Several Russian astronauts have died during re-entry or during the landing.

Do astronauts wear diapers in space?

Yes, because they are strapped in the shuttle 3 hrs. before lift off and their position in the shuttle makes them have to pee. Also when they take space walks(avg of 8 hours) they have to wear diapers. They use a suction toilet when they mean wear its a space suit

What do astronauts do before takeoff?

On launch day, astronauts usually wake up four hours before launch. They enjoy a pre-launch breakfast, then get suited up in their orange Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES) space suits. After they are suited up and ready to go, the astronauts walk out from the Operations at Checkout Building at the Kennedy Space Center and climb into the Astrovan, which takes them to the launch pad. At the pad, the astronauts ride an elevator to the 195-foot level, where the close-out crew helps each astronaut board and strap into the shuttle. After that, the astronauts wait about two and a half hours until launch.

What careers did early astronauts have before they were astronauts?

Almost all of the early astronauts were military (and some civilian) test pilots.

How do astronauts get their food supplied?

They have dried out food in special packaging that when you put it in your mouth your syliva turns it into actual food. ( I've had ice cream like that before, its really good)

When did 3 astronauts die in a shuttle before it took off?

No fatalities have ever occurred on a shuttle prior to launch. 3 astronauts did die on January 27, 1967 during a test for the Apollo/Saturn-204 launch, also known as AS-204. Command Pilot Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Senior Pilot Edward H. White, and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee died when fire broke out inside the capsule. AS-204 was later officially renamed Apollo 1.

Why did the Astronauts need to be fastidious about putting everything away before re entry?

If anything was left floating freely in the cabin, it would crash to the ground and possibly be damaged.

When the NASA space shuttle quit?

NASA space shuttle quit cause the wanted to make and improve there shuttle before use of them

How did looms work before the flying shuttle?

The weaver had to push the shuttle by hand, which was much slower.