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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages for politician making a decision based upon public opinion?
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that's a matter of opinion. not a finite question.. and it's got both advantages and disadvantages.

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They both have advantages and disadvantages, but in my (unbiased? :-) ) opinion Rocks!

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In my opinion, there are no advantages of a daisy wheel printer. I found them noisy, slow, and having to change the wheel to use a different font was a bind.

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Yeah, you just give yourself. Giving yourself's simply the way thing flow

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The advantages and disadvantages of CottonAdvantages - Durability, softness, comfortable, absorbs body moisture and the fibre is strong.Disadvantages- Creases easy and the colour fades quickly.

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an advantage is it's sometimes healthier (like with using Stevia) a disadvantage is it tastes nasty (to me) but that's just my opinion.... :)

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It's a matter of personal opinion. All OS Softwares have their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, many modern households actually have an Apple and a Microsoft computer.

What are the disadvantages of dictatorial?

In a dictatorial leadership, the disadvantage of it is that, one cannot express ones own opinion or feelings towards the decision the dictatorial leader serves. Unlike in a democratic leadership wherein the members also participate in the decision making and through this, that person can express his own opinion towards it (I mean who knows maybe the dictatorial leader forgot something, and with this he/she can think about the pros and cons in ones final decision)

What does it mean if an answer is flagged as being 'one-sided'?

An answer flagged as "one-sided" may only contain one opinion, when several are appropriate. For example, if a question ask about the advantages and disadvantages of something, not only the advantages should be listed; that answer may be biased, or "one-sided."

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Advantages : You don't look like a woman, Easier to manage, Cheaper and quicker to get cut, harder to burn when lighting a cigarette, can see more clearly, don't have face sweat seeping into your hair, no one can pull it in a fight. Disadvantages: If you're female, you could look like a lesbian, your head will get cold, people have the tendency to shave it off when you're passed out. There is more advantages in my opinion

What are four kinds of Supreme Court opinions?

The Four types of Supreme Court Opinions Includes: Unanimous Opinion: When the Supreme Court Justice Unanimously agrees with the decision. Majority Opinion: When the Majority agrees with the decision Concurrent Opinion: When a person agrees with the Majority of the decision, but for different reasons. Dissenting Opinion: When A person disagree with the Majority of the decision.