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The main advantage is that it gives the programmer the opportunity to examine the resultant assembly and manually optimise the code. A mature compiler can often produce high quality machine code, however there are still some rare but non-trivial cases where manual intervention is required to achieve optimal performance.

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Easier to Output and Easier to Debug.



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Q: What are the advantages of a language processor system in which compiler produces assembly language rather than machine language?
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they are tools to help developed compilers

What is Language processor?

Language processors are language translation software like assembler, interpreter and compiler

What is the language processor?

Language processors are language translation software like assembler, interpreter and compiler

What is the difference between compiler and program?

A compiler is actually a program. However the function of a compiler it to take a programmers high level language code and render this as binary machine language instructions that a specific processor can execute.

What is a c compiler?

compiling program, compiler - (computer science) a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program

Why would a program be written in assembly language instead of basic language?

To allow use of special instructions that the HLL compiler/interpreter cannot generate. These are often special I/O or multiprocessor synchronization instructions unique to this processor architecture.To produce timing or space critical code.To write the bootstrap program.To write a program for a new custom processor for which no HLL compiler/interpreter has been written, yet. This might be the first development version of that first HLL compiler/interpreter.etc.

Which language is processor to c programming language?

That depends on each individual compiler. Some are written in assembly, some in C/C++, others are written in whatever high-level language the author likes best.

Why is assembly language regarded a as low level language?

ASM or Assembly Language is the lowest level of software programming. It uses alphabetic codes to represent processor instructions. ASM is processor specific. It compiles directly to "machine language".

Which program translates an assembly language program into a high-level language?

A High level language is a language like C, Pascal, Fortran. To convert, the easiest way is to use a compiler. A compiler will take the instructions written in a high level language and convert them into machine code which is the specific instruction set for that type of computer. Assembly language is just a human readable form of a machine code which is how the designers of the computer instruction set made it work. A disassembler will show the assembly language from machine code. But the compiler usually includes a lot of optimisations from a the high level language and will not often generate very simple assembly.

Is Assembly-language programs are written using binary codes?

Assembly language allows the developer to have almost total control over what the sequence of instructions will be when a program executes. A compiler tries to translate a high level language such as C++ into a series of instructions, but a good assembly language programmer may be able to optimize the sequence when a compiler cannot. Primarily assembly language is used for speed and optimal machine code.

How can embedded the assembly language in c?

Compiler-dependent, in real life you should never do that, write separated Assembly modules instead.

How do you translate pascal language to assembly language?

Why would you want to do that? The usual procedure is to translate a high-level language such as Pascal to machine language. If you really want assembly language - perhaps to see how the Pascal compiler does its work - then presumably you can use a disassembler to convert the machine language (the executable file) into assembly language.