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benefits of economic and it holds wage levels down

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Q: What are the advantages of migration?
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The advantages of migration?

simple move or die.

What is advantages of migration?

benefits of economic and it holds wage levels down

What kind of possible problems and disadvantages can migration hold in for the family?

I want to know about the case that advantages and disadvantages of Migration in JVM. Thanks

What is the advantages of migration?

benefits of economic and it holds wage levels down

What is voluntary exile?

Voluntary migration involve weighing up the advantages and disadvantages prior to a decision being made

Advantages of migration to Australia?

The advantages arising immigration is that we gain an influx of new culture increasing people awareness of other people's culture; religion, cuisine, beliefs, values and rules. There is an increase in workforce and the provision of new skills.

What is counter migration?

Counter migration- migration in the opposite direction. Counter Migration - forced migration of immigrants to return to their country of origion

How many types of migration is there?

Depends on what you mean... but I'll try.There is migration, chain migration, forced migration, voluntary migration, net-in migration, net-out migration, immigration, emmigration, countermigration.These are Human Geographic terms by the way. That makes about 9 types of migration.

What meaning of external migration?

External migration is migration from one country to another.

What is the overall trend in American internal migration?

Migration to the east

What are the types of migration?

Internals migration

What is temporary migration?

migration that is temporary