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Q: What are the advantages of the us addition of Florida to the us?
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What were the advantages of the addition of Florida to United States?

Florida had been a Spanish colony and then was a British colony. It was an advantage for the United States to purchase it not to have British on their southern border.

How many members of Fl's delegation to the US house are democratic members?

Currently 10 of Florida's 27 congressional seats are held by Democrats. In addition, one of Florida's Senators is a Democrat.

What countries did the us own after the spanish American war?

As a result of the Spanish-American War, the US took sovereignty over the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. In addition, the US oversaw Cuba's transition to independence.

How did the U.S acquire the territory of Florida?

The US acquired the territory of Florida from Spain ceding it to the US.

What are the advantages of cybercrime?

One of the advantages of cybercrime is increases cyberspace security. In addition, cyber speed is elevated and there is an increase in cyber defenses.

Where in the US is Florida?

florida is in the southeast regin

Where does US 1 begin in Florida?

US 1 begins in Key West, Florida.

What are the advantages'disadvantages of?

•Advantages of Retailing -Value Addition -Employment Generation -Local / Nearest Availability

What states the US acquired in the 1840s?

Florida was ceded to the US by Spain in 1819. It was not really bought, but the US government paid 5 million dollars to US citizens who had claims against Spain that were connected to the lack of government in Florida.

What treaty did the US gain Florida through?

The US State of Florida was purchased from Spain in 1819. It became the 27th State in 1845.

What country did the us gain Florida from?

they obtained Florida from Spain

What money do Florida use?

Florida uses US currency.