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Wind and water are known as renewable resources, meaning we can easily keep creating energy as needed. However, coal and oil are materials that took millions of years to create and will eventually run out. They also cause massive pollution.

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Q: What are the advantages of wind and water energy over coal and oil?
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What are the advantages of using wind energy over using coal for electricity?

Wind energy is a sustainable source meaning it can be used repeatedly. It also doesn't produce CO2 so it is better for the environment.

Where is coal energy found?

Coal energy is present in coal. There are two types of coal: bituminous, or 'soft' coal, and anthracite coal, or hard coal. Coal is a hard rocky substance that is the left-over carbon from huge amounts of plants from ages past which died, and have been covered over by sometimes thousands of feet of rock and dirt.

What has been used over the past 150 years to produce most of the worlds energy?

helloooooooo!!! um......oil, coal, gas, water and nuclear energy. Tehe

What are the advantages of hydro-electricity over coal power?

1.It is renewable unlike coal 2.Makes barely any pollution compared to coal. 3.Reduces greenhouse emissions.

Explain how coal is a store of solar energy?

Coal is composed of old plant material that was chemically altered over the course of millions of years. The coal contains energy from sunlight that the plants captured and stored via photosynthesis.

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What are the economics advantages of solar energy?

Political grants and tax breaks. In most applications solar energy is not economically beneficial or has advantages over other forms of energy.

What do they do with the left over water after washing coal?

They will use it up!! They never waste water

What are the advantages of propane over natural gas?

Higher energy content

Why is waste better than coal?

coal has to be burned in order to gain energy, whereas waste can be fermented at 35 oC to give its energy over an extended amount of time. Note that the question is biased!

What is an advantage of solar energy over coal?

It does not release pollution such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

What advantages does oil have over coal?

Oil is usually cleaner to mine and transport than coal (unless there's an oil spill!)Oil emits less carbon dioxide pollution than coal when burnt, so it contributes less to global warming than coal does.