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An allergic reaction can be hives or even a severe reaction such as anaphylactic shock. If you have any concerns regarding the medication you are on or the symptoms you may be having call your doctor immediatly. Severe allergic reactions can cause death.

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Q: What are the allergic reactions to amoxicillin in infants?
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Can you take allegra and amoxicillin?

This question is best asked to your local physician or pharmacist. They can work with your possible allergic reactions to such medicinal combinations as well as the general safety of the combination.

If your allergic to penicillin what other drug you be allergic to?

If you are allergic to penicillin, you may also be allergic to other "cillins", such as amoxicillin, and others.

Can you mix amoxicillin with Infants Mylicon?

Those two medications are not known to have any cross reactions, but it is advised that you keep an eye on your child for a few hours after the first dose just to be safe.

How do you know if you are allergic to amoxicillin?

You show symptoms; call your doctor.

Can I use vigamox if I am allergic to penicilin and amoxicilin?

I am allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin can I use Vigamox eye drops

Can you take amoxicillin if im allergic to penicillin?

I would talk with your doctor, but my Grandma could not!No, amoxicillin is an antibiotic in the penicillin category. You'll have the same "allergic" effect than if you were taking penicillin V, as an example.

Can allergic reactions to antibiotics cause Secondary vasculitis?

Allergic reactions to antibiotics can cause Secondary vasculitis

If you are allerigic to penicillin why can you take amoxicillin?

That is a very good question again asked by the expert on this subject. In the first place you do not know the exact mechanism by which penicillin allergy occurs. It may be due to traces of bacterial proteins remaining in the preparation or may be mediated through hapten mechanism or either of them or very rarely both of them may be responsible for the allergic reaction of penicillin. When you prepare the amoxicillin from penicillin, the protein/proteins responsible for allergic reaction may be destroyed and you do not get the allergic reactions of amoxicillin so commonly. Nevertheless severe anaphylactic reacions with injectable ampicillin has been obsevered by the cotntributor, although very rarely as compared to penicillin. And injectable ampicillin should be better avoided in patients allergic to penicillin.

Can you be allergic to penicillin and not amoxicillin?

No, If you have a confirmed allergy to one penicillin you will more than likely be allergic to all other penicillins. Amoxicillin is an example of an aminopenicillin. When you say that you have an allergy you should have had a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction to a penicillin. Meaning basically that it was bad enough to go the the hospital. If you experienced mild GI upset you may of not had an allergic reaction. You should consult you local pharmacist or discuss with you physician the types of reactions that you have had and they can make the best judgment of whether or not you have a penicillin allergy.

Can you have allergic reactions underwater?

You can have an allergic reaction anyplace where there is something you are allergic to. So simple answer yes.