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Q: What are the alternatives to using stem cells from embryos?
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What stem cells are obtained from individuals not embryos?

adult stem cells

Which cells are removed from early embryos?

Stem cells.

Controversy of stem cells?

Stem cell research and therapy have sparked controversy due to ethical concerns related to the use of embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos. This has raised ethical debates around the beginning of life and the destruction of embryos. Some oppose this research on moral or religious grounds, while others argue for the potential benefits of stem cell therapies in treating various diseases and injuries.

Are stem cells human?

Yes, some stem cells do come from humans. The stem cells are taken from embryos. Animals also have stem cells used in research.

What is the main source of embryonic stem cells?


Will Jehovah Witnesses accept stem cells?

Witnesses do not believe in transplants of any kind, so they are against the use of stem cells.

What sources of stem cells presents the greatest ethical problems or controversies?

Stem cells can be harvested by destroying human embryos.

What is the debate about stem cells?

Scientists believe stem cells from human embryos could hold the key to treatments and cures for disease. Basically it is a debate about stem cell research.

What are two sources of stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos and have the potential to develop into any type of cell in the body. Adult stem cells are found in various tissues and can give rise to specific types of cells in that tissue.

Which is the most likely reason that stem cell research is controversial?

Stem cells themselves are not controversial. There are different types of stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are the building blocks of blood. They are found in bone marrow and umbilical cord blood. They are currently used successfully to treat a number of different diseases. These are not controversial at all. Embryonic stem cells are controversial because they are obtained from embryos. Some people believe that using embryos to produce stem cells is unethical. The 'embryos' the anti-stem cell voice talk about contain about 75 - 200 cells, and are known as blastocytes. The cells are undifferentiated, meaning they as yet have no purpose. The Pro-Life movement refer to this collection of cells as a human being about 2-4 days after fertilization. Blastocytes are the best source of undifferentiated stem cells, and those used would be the excess discarded after IVF. They would generally be destroyed - why not use them to save human life? For Pro-Life- destroy these 'embryos' or use them to save life? Please explain your stance!

Explain how a stem cell develops into an embryo?

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, an early-stage embryo.In other words, they do not become embryos, they are part of an embryo.

When embryos are used to obtain stem cells what happens to the embryo?

it is used until it dies or cannot supply any more healthy stem cells, then it is....disposed of. if u get my drift :(