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cassia roots and leaves uses to loose the weight by decrease absobtion of unhealthy food thru digestive system. Cassia Auriculata leaf extract is also effective in healing liver injury caused due to alcohol consumption.

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Q: What are the benefits of a herbal product made of dried cassia roots and leaves?
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What are benefits of koi herbal?

Koi herbal supplements are made of flowers, leaves, fruit, stems, and seeds. Benefits of taking the supplement include increased energy, fighting infections, and it aids in reducing constipation.

What is herbal tea made of?

Herbal tea is an herbal infusion not made from the leaves of tea bush. Here in herbal you won't find any caffeine. In addition to serving as a beverage, herbal teas are also consumed for their medicinal benefits. Basically i prefer chamomile tea which is one of the herbal tea especially for their stimulant, relaxant or seductive properties.

Does Cassia Nomame leaves and root tea help in weight loss?

Yes, Cassia nomame leaves increase metabolism and are able to help burn fat. Root tea also has a similar effect.

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What do yarrow leaves do?

Yarrow leaves are dried and used in herbal medicine.

Talking about dried herbal leaves with pharmaceutic effect can you call that an herbal drug?

There is nothing to say you can not refer to dried herbal leaves as herbal drugs, however, many herbal treatments (with pharmaceutical effect) are in the form of tinctures, infusions, poultices, oils, seeds, bark, and fresh leaves, flowers, and roots. Also, most people use the word "drug" to refer to a chemical preparation and "herbs" as a natural-pathic treatment.

What venation is cassava leaf?

Cassia leaf has reticulate venation. This type of venation is generally found in dicot leaves.

What is a cassia tree?

Cassia leaves are erroneously referred to as 'Indian bay leaves', even though they belong to a totally different botanical family and look nothing like a bay leaf. Cassia leaves can be twice the size (both in width and length) of the European bay leaf and when dried turn a dull brown colour and are inclined to break whereas bay leaves, tough and leathery as they are, are more likely to survive the drying process intact.

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What are the uses of a leaf?

Raspberry leaves are reported to have a variety of benefits and can be used to treat many problems. Their most common uses are to treat problems such as: diarrhea, inflammation, gum disease, and the flu.

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